
Function Name: PRIMM

Purpose: Print immediate utility
Call address: $FF7D (hex) 65405 (decimal)

	Registers:	none
	Memory:		none
	Flags:		none
	Calls:		none
	Registers:	none
	Memory:		none
	Flags:		none

Description: PRIMM is a Kernal utility used to print (to the default output device) an ASCII string which immediately follows the call. The string must be no longer than 255 characters and is terminated by a null ($00) character. It cannot contain any embedded null characters. Because PRIMM uses the system stack to find the string and a return address, you must not JMP to PRIMM. There must be a valid address on the stack.


	JSR	$FF7D	;display following text
	.BYTE	"message"
	.BYTE	$00	;terminator
	JMP	cont	;execution resumes here